What is SUA kasahorow?

A Word of the Day for Everyone

SUA kasahorow began as a word-of-the-day email designed to be a simple language learning tool. It has evolved into a tool to encourage people to connect with each other so they can solve problems together. Your therapist will call our tool helpful for developing "listening skills". And what are listening skills for if not for solving problems together?


Is SUA for me?

Yes! Our personalized word-of-the-day emails are for everyone who wants to solve problems with words. Whether you’re looking to work on your relationship with a friend, bond with a loved one, create a connection with a stranger, or even understand a competitor, this simple tool can be your starting point. 


How does SUA work?

It’s simple. Tell us the relationship you’re working on, and a few words that the person you’re trying to connect with likes using. We’ll send you an email with similar words, or suggest a something fresh using our proprietary algorithm. Try out the word with the person and see how they respond. Do they like this word? Should you use this word more with them? Maybe they don’t like this word. Add it to the list of words to avoid with this person. Once you have at least 10 shared words, you can start discussing problems using those 10 words. When a new word comes up, stop, discuss what the new word means to both of you, add it to your shared words, and continue problem-solving together!


Why does SUA work?

We know that using the words close to their heart can help strengthen a connection, heal a hurt and create the foundation for a strong, healthy relationship. Once they feel that you hear them, they're also going to be able to hear you and want to learn your unique words too. The technical term for such a scenario is a "win-win" relationship.

Apart from the warm fuzzies, it also makes sense that using a shared vocabulary to work through problems together will work. We do our best work when we have the most clarity on the the path to reach our goal. Having a shared vocabulary means we're on the same page. And when we are on the same page, we have more clarity so it becomes easier to find solutions that combine the best of our individual insights and skills.

kasahorow provides you a tool to manage the health of your therapeutic relationships. If you hesitate before you add a sharing plan to a relationship, maybe it's a sign that either you don't have consent to be in that relationship, or that the relationship is actually draining you. If you don't have consent, find another relationship. But if the relationship is draining, we will show you how to turn them around with a YES Conversation.

What’s next?

If you’re serious about your relationships, why not sign up now? You’ll be able to manage multiple relationships at the same time, so that you can solve more problems in your world: one clarifying word at a time! 

And here are a few words that we need to be on the same page on before you jump in:

The number of relationships you are managing shared vocabulary for
The percentage of relationships you are managing for which you have a shared vocabulary
YES Conversation
A technique for having collaborative conversations to get on the same page (Listen on Spotify)
Number of healthy relationships, so that you can get better results

Some people though, like to just skip to the last step: the exchange of gifts, and that's fine by us too!

Connect in Tigrinya

Connect in Tigrinya

Celebrate unity and respect in Tigrinya

Exchange a gift now
A concise introduction to the Sa

A concise introduction to the Sa

Modern Sango

Exchange a gift now
Proverbs of the Akans

Proverbs of the Akans

Bu Me Bɛ

Exchange a gift now

How can I contact kasahorow?


As we learn and grow, we’d love for you to share your experience of SUA kasahorow with us. You can share your thoughts and feedback with us by emailing help@kasahorow.com.