Connect to Everyone

Learn how to solve problems with the help of the trusted relationships that you already have in your life. We will guide you to have productive conversations that solve problems. All you have to do is to get your trusted Person to agree with you a set of shared vocabulary before you tackle the difficult conversations together. Have you decided to solve problems with words today?


Start using words to solve problems with a trusted Person.

Helping You Connect More Meaningfully.

We believe that every person has their own unique language, just as every person has their own unique fingerprint.

We see every relationship between any 2 Persons as a therapeutic opportunity: to combine the best abilities of both Persons by giving each other helpful feedback. But very often, our relationships fall far short of this ideal.

We believe our problems start because we don't spend the time figuring out what our shared vocabulary is before we jump into projects together. And when things get really bad, we go look for the help of very scarce professional therapists. The very best therapists are skilled at building trust with both parties in a conflict, and then helping both sides hear each other's feedback clearly (i.e. without resentment). And then once we hear each other clearly, we can take actions that are win-win for both parties.

What if we could turn all your existing trusted relationships into therapeutic relationships? We believe you could reach your potential faster, and each day will feel exhilarating. But "I'm not ready today to live my best life. It's more difficult than you think. Why are you disturbing my comfortable life?". OK, whenever you are ready, we'll be here, ever happy to help you get started on the most epic journey of your life--with your tribe of safe people.

Many Languages

At kasahorow we believe everyone has a unique connection language.

This unique connection language is made up of words from all the languages of the world. Our mission is to help you learn the unique connection language of each Person you love so that you can connect to them better.